Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Advice From The Legendary BEN & JERRY

I was privileged to interview Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield about how they parlayed a $5 correspondence course in ice cream making from Penn State University into the current global giving empire now run by Unilever.

When asked what was the single most valuable piece of advice they could offer startup entrepreneurs, they said there were two thoughts they wanted to impart:

1. Be wary of family & friends who quickly become naysayers: Ben & Jerry said when they announced they were learning how to make ice cream to possibly start a small business, everyone was supportive; 'oh, yeah, go for it,' and all that--but the day they signed a lease on a space and started cleaning it up to actually begin the business, Ben & Jerry experienced the jealousy of former supporters. Be careful when this happens--and it usually will--because human nature is competitive. Even those who love and care about you will try and hold you back from your dream. Ben & Jerry said, stay strong, to fight through the nay saying!

2. Even if you have nothing going for you, and want to start a small business: Just Start!
They advise, don't let the fact that you have no outside facility or lavish equipment hold you back;
if you have a passion for an idea you believe in, then just start--start at your kitchen table or sell your t-shirts or whatever from the trunk of your car, but Just Start! If you believe in it, everything will fall into place.

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